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The future of Public Transportation and it’s ability to serve families, businesses, students, and employees will either expand or shrink depending on the outcome of a November tax levy request that will be decided by voters who live in the RVTD District. The proposed levy of .13 cents per $1,000 would cost property owners about $20 annually, and would ensure that evening and weekend routes continue, as well as add much needed service in the Springbrook Road area of East Medford and new routes to serve the 3,000 students who go to school at the Rogue Community College White City campus.
RVTD Board members joined General Manager Julie Brown and Planner Paige Townsend from the District staff and moderator Charles Douglas for a one hour discussion of the proposed levy, the need for additional funding now and into the future, and how the level of service to the region will either help or hurt in our efforts to attract new businesses and companies to the area. All the information is just a click away in the RVTV PEG Player.