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Technology and Democracy on RVTV Channel 9 Tuesday Night

There is so much to keep up with in the world of technology today…new apps, new gadgets, new capabilities. We need an expert to sort it all out and make sense of the bleeding edge for us. That’s where Jim Teece, owner of Project A comes in. Jim visits the RVTV studio at the Digital Media Center once a month to update us the latest news…and mostly to show off his newest toys. Jim invites software designers, artists, and local experts from the industry each month for a new edition of Tech Talk, now in it’s 11th year on local cable. An encore presentation of the February Tech Talk will be seen at 6pm tonight on RVTV Channels 9 in Jackson County and 21 in Grants Pass and Josephine County.

Channel 9 brings you live gavel to gavel coverage at 7pm tonight as Mayor John Stromberg convenes the Ashland City Council for the March 5 meeting. The key item on the agenda is in the New Business, where Council will consider if they would like to initiate amendments to the City Municipal Code relating to the establishment and operation of short term vacation rentals. Key issues include zoning designations and proximity to major streets . With so many visitors each year the City looks balance the interest of operators and neighborhoods.
Also on the Council agenda tonight a public hearing regarding Ashland Fire and Rescue recovery fees. And a report on nearly 20 million dollars on Full Faith and Credit Bond Sales for Parks, Public Works, and AFN debt from Finance Director Lee Tuneberg.

GP Firewise
Seems that summer and the wildfire season are a long way off but now might be a perfect time to make a defensive stand around your property. Tune in the Grants Pass City Channel 21 Wednesday night at 9pm after the live City Council meeting and Bob Shumacher will take you around town and explain the dangers of living in the forest/urban interface and how you can protect your property and neighborhood by implementing Firewise strategies. If you’re not staying up after Council get this important information anytime on the City of Grants Pass website at

It all comes to you from the Digital Media Center on the Southern Oregon University campus. In partnership with our local governments for the benefit of citizens in the Rogue Valley. Remember the RVTV Channels stream live at the website.

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