REAL TV, REAL PEOPLE: Watch RVTV's Government & Public Access archives for authentic local television from Southern Oregon
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Southern Oregon University has a new community forum due out by the end of this week. Originally scheduled to play tonight, the Jim Moore Globalized Now presentation is in the final editing stages. An encore of the Homeless Teens forum from last spring will be featured tonight at 8pm on RVTV Channel 9. More information about events and classes through OLLI is available at
It’s a quiet Tuesday at the Digital Media Center, you can almost hear the spring buds growing on the trees outside! Most of our SOU students are gone on spring break. No live studio shows or government meetings on the channels tonight, some respite for the highly used electronic gear in house. Staff is catching up on post production this week.
RVTV Channel 14 will give viewers a second chance to catch this month’s Parks meeting, which aired last night live on Channel 9. 5pm start for the replay tonight. Extensive discussion on the Calle Guanajuato season ahead highlighted last nights agenda.
Grants Pass City Channel 21 will air the Community Forum on Homeless and Transients this evening from 9pm to midnight. A full house was on hand for the discussion at the Council Chambers Feb. 12. The forum will be preceded by an 8pm Travel Exchange episode with Joe Rossi taking us to New Zealand.
The programming and video on demand servers never take a day off at the DMC. Spring, winter, summer, or fall we have the local information and entertainment for you that is not available anywhere else. Hang with your local Community channels and your local knowledge will blossom.