REAL TV, REAL PEOPLE: Watch RVTV's Government & Public Access archives for authentic local television from Southern Oregon
It’s not often that some of the most brilliant economic minds from Washington D.C. and Salem are in the Rogue Valley but that was the case on May 23, 2013. The Craterian Theater hosted the Southern Oregon Economic Summit, presented by the Home Builders Association of Jackson County and the Rogue Valley Association of Realtors. Three keynote speakers and and panel discussion afterwards with local elected officials and leaders from the business community.
Dr. David Crowe, Chief Economist for the National Homebuilders Association, gave the first presentation. A national housing shortage has created demand, but tight standards for construction loans are hampering the building comeback. Dr. Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist for the National Association of Realtors, was next. Dr. Yun had national and local information about the recovering economy and how the housing market will be key in the slow but steady recovery ahead. And Senior Economist for the State of Oregon John Lehner was also featuerd, with information regarding the recovery of the Oregon economy.
Rogue Valley Community Television was on hand to videotape the program and it will begin playing on the RVTV Channels tonight when part 1 with Dr. Crowe and Dr. Yun debuts at 6pm on Channel 14. Part two with Josh Lehner and a panel of County Commissioners and business leaders will be seen Wednesday at 6pm on Ch. 14. On Channel 9 this week, part 1 will be seen Wednesday at 6pm, part 2 on Thursday at 4pm. On Grants Pass City Channel 21 part 1 airs Thursday June 6 at 3:30pm and part 2 on Friday June 7 at 6pm.
Just a little later this week the programs will be available online here on the RVTV website, as well as the HBA of Jackson County and RVAR websites. If your group or organization has a local event that the public would be interested in please contact Joe Brett (541-552-8416 or to learn more about how Commuinty Media might be able to partner with you.